Justfans.live is a pioneering subscription-based social platform that is reshaping connections between creators and fans.

As a platform that champions inclusivity across all genres, JustFans empowers creators to unleash their full potential, aligning seamlessly with the values and objectives of the company.

At JustFans, we are unwavering in our commitment to eradicate modern slavery. Our mission is to establish the safest digital media platform globally, maintaining a steadfast stance against any form of modern slavery, human trafficking, or exploitation within our platform, partnerships, or supply chain.

This declaration is made in accordance with our corporate values and objectives, aligning with the UK Modern Slavery Act, Nigerian Modern Slavery Act, Australia Modern Slavery Act, and the California Transparency in Supply Chains Act.

It outlines the steps JustFans is taking to ensure the absence of modern slavery and human trafficking in our operations, collaborations, and supply chains.

Our Pledge

JustFans vehemently opposes all manifestations of modern slavery and human trafficking.

Recognizing these as crimes and violations of fundamental human rights, we stand firm against practices such as slavery, servitude, forced labor, and human trafficking, all of which deny individuals their liberty for personal or commercial exploitation.

Our commitment extends to upholding integrity, mitigating the risk of modern slavery and human trafficking, and ensuring a respectful and dignified treatment of all employees, partners, and vendors. We are dedicated to providing a secure working environment, conducting operations ethically, and embracing environmentally responsible practices.

Preventative Measures and Reporting

In this reporting period, JustFans has taken the following actions:

- Conducted company-wide mandatory training on modern slavery and trafficking.
- Implemented company-wide policies and procedures promoting ethical conduct.
- Assessed and mitigated risks of modern slavery and human trafficking in our supply chain.
- Enhanced content moderation with additional specialist resources.
- Appointed an independent monitor to review safety controls and compliance programs.
- Strengthened collaboration with third parties combating modern slavery and human trafficking.

Our Policies

JustFans is committed to taking reasonable and appropriate steps to ensure the absence of modern slavery or human trafficking activities on our platform, in our business, and within our supply chain. Key policies include:

- Code of Conduct & Business Ethics shared with employees, suppliers, and contractors.
- Anti-Slavery and Anti-Trafficking Statement outlining our commitment and actions.
- Terms of Service and Acceptable Use Policy prohibiting content related to exploitation.

Risk Assessment

We continually assess modern slavery and human trafficking risks in our business environment.

Our assessment considers external reports, standards, country and sector risk profiles, with adjustments to processes and controls based on changing risks.

- Direct Business Operations: Risks deemed relatively low with a skilled workforce; heightened awareness in areas employing contractors outside Nigeria, The UK and the USA.
- Platform and Supply Chain: Mitigating risks related to creator content, contractors, third parties, and merchandise manufacturing.

Risk Mitigation Efforts

We employ a range of strategies to mitigate identified risks:

Creator Verification: Rigorous identity and payment checks, additional security measures in high-risk jurisdictions.
Content Moderation: Advanced technologies, manual review, collaboration with law enforcement.
Contractor or Agency Staff: Contractual obligations, company-wide training.
Merchandise: Agreements aligning with our policies against modern slavery and human trafficking.

Reporting Mechanisms

JustFans fosters a culture of transparency, accountability, and honesty.

We encourage employees to report concerns, including human rights violations, modern slavery, and human trafficking, through our reporting email ().

Ongoing Commitment to Continuous Improvement

Modern slavery and human trafficking pose ongoing challenges. JustFans is committed to continuous improvement, including:

- Identifying and assessing additional risk areas.
- Mitigating risks in business and supply chain.
- Protecting whistleblowers.
- Staying abreast of legislative changes.
- Monitoring potential risk areas and solutions.

Responsibility for this Statement

Our Executive Leadership, with oversight from the Board of Fenix International Limited, ensures compliance with this statement and related policies. Management at all levels is responsible for disseminating and enforcing anti-slavery and anti-trafficking policies. The Legal team oversees the principles, internal control systems, and procedures.

Approved by the Board of Directors Justfans.live

Signed by Patrick Anthony, Director and CFO of Justfans.live